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GLITTER / KIRA KIRA / SPARKLE effect in Spark AR studio 0    0

Glitter or sparkle effect! Let's learn how to use the patch to create "Kira Kira" effect in spark AR! It's easy and free. The patch works with light and shades, white and black color...

PFF 1,481 views

Spark AR Face Deformation & 3D Face Mesh | Especial de H... 0    0

Hola! Les presento un nuevo tutorial sobre Spark AR con deformación de rostro que he creado para hacer un filtro terrorífico para Halloween. Además utilizaremos Blender para trabajar corRECtamente ...

PFF 1,278 views

10 Filtros de Halloween que debes probar 2019 - Spark AR 0    0

Hola! ¿No te ha pasado que últimamente descubrir nuevos filtros en Instagram se ha vuelto una tarea complicada? Los creadores producen experiencias para que los usuarios finales disfruten. Esto se e...

PFF 1,123 views

Spark AR: Blinking Game Tutorial - Part 1 0    0

Hey! it’s me again, many people have sent me a comment asking me why I didn't do new instructional videos, I'm really sorry because I don't have too much time to do, but I'm still happy because prev...

PFF 1,352 views

Inilah Cara Saya Membuat Filter Games Di Instagram ( Progres... 0    0

Support me on Patreon : Ini Video Progress terakhir, maaf gk sampai selesai progressnya karena lupa gk di RECord Pengen bisa bikin kayak gini? Cek http://bit...

PFF 1,042 views

v83 Blink Counting Game: Spark AR Studio - Link to v85+ Exam... 0    0

This video was created in v83. If you have updated to v85+ of Spark AR Studio, the scripting will be different. The project template download has been updated for v85+ asynchronous API changes. For an...

PFF 2,804 views

Tutorial - Spark AR - Gallery Image Picker 0    0

The New feature has been RECently added to the Spark AR application, which is gallery picker for instagram. Watch the video to solve your doubts.

PFF 991 views

Spark AR - Custom gallery texture on 3D model 0    0

In this video i'll show you how to add a custom texture made by users on your 3D model. If you don't know nothing about 3D. I RECommend you to follow the Blender Guru begginer series playlist! Its Ama...

PFF 992 views

Spark AR Tutorial - Draw with Particles | Face Tracker | Gal... 0    0

Hola! En este video les comparto mi técnica para aprender a crear filtros de realidad aumentada para instagram relacionada a dibujar con partículas usando el Face Tracker. Este es un RECurso muy int...

PFF 969 views

Gallery Texture (User Selected Image, Video, Camera Roll) | ... 0    0

In this video I cover the Texture Gallery and demonstrate how to implement it in Spark AR Studio for use in filters/effects on Instagram (SidFarmer) and Facebook. This is hopefully the first of many n...

PFF 915 views

Three Minute Freckles Filter Effect (Easy) | Instagram &... 0    0

Quick tutorial showing how to use meshes and photo editing software (PNG) in order to create simple fRECkles face styles for filters and effects for Instagram and Facebook using Spark AR Studio on Mac...

PFF 1,077 views

Freckles Filter for Your Instagram in Spark AR Studio 0    0

Create your own Instagram or Facebook filter with my course "Spark AR Studio for Beginners" - _________...

PFF 1,259 views

Freckles in Spark Ar - Part 35. Веснушки фильт... 0    0

You will learn how to create fRECkles mask for Insta Filter. Link: Guys, it will be nice if you can leave some...

PFF 890 views

How To Add Freckles To Your Instagram Filter in 5 Minutes 0    0

Please, Subscribe and Like these video :) My Instagram In this video, we will create an Instagram filter with fRECkles. For this project, we will use ...

PFF 955 views