Face Retouching

Spark AR Effect Tutorial: SlinkyCheeks 0    0

Explore decoupled positioning (having elements follow the face in a natural way) and some light SDF masking. SlinkyCheeks Effect: https://www.instagram.com/a/r/?effect_id=406836336626547 Project...

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Spark AR tutorial: Create filter effect with Face mesh, Ret... 0    0

Today we are going to implement a basic filter effect with Spark AR. It looks like what you are watching on the screen. A mask with blue and purple light moves on your face, like you're in a club ...

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Spark AR Retouching with LUTs (and other texture effects) 0    0

Learn how to apply retouching to color LUTs and other texture effects. Thanks to Allen Berger for putting an example project together! https://github.com/allanberger/spark-seg-with-retouch Shout...

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Уроки Spark AR Studio. LUT + Retouch + Distortion✌ 0    0

ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ ПЛАСТИКА ЛИЦА ТАКИМ СПОСОБОМ ЗАПРЕЩЕНА но есть отличное решение от моего коллеги по дефор...

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Tutorial: Face Distortion and Retouching 0    0

Learn how to change the shape of people's faces with Spark AR Studio. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to add a face tracker and face mesh, distort the face using blend shapes, and add retouching. ...

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Spark AR Numeros interativos e Retouch com Segmentação! 0    0

Tutorial de como usar retouch com segmentação! Como ativar a animação de objetos com o toque! Como usar segmentação! Contato: contato@dualitylabs.com.br Instagram: https://www.inst...

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Tutorial de como usar LUT com retouching Como usar deformation em LUT Contato: contato@dualitylabs.com.br Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkartutoriais/ https://www.instagram.co...

PFF 77 views

Spark AR Deformation + LUTs + Retouching 0    0

Learn how to apply deformation, retouching, and LUTs simultaneously! Project files: https://github.com/positlabs/spark-seg-with-retouch/tree/deformation Previous tutorial: https://www.youtube.co...

PFF 37 views

Filtros no Instagram - Pele Suave + Postar na sua conta 0    0

Nesse vídeo eu ensino como fazer retoque de pele, como exportar um efeito e como postar no Instagram Para usar meus filtros: http://instagram.com/jepharaujo Para baixar o SparkAR: https://sp...

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#sparkartutorial #sparkardeutsch #lightroomfiltersparkar ✨Abonniert meinen Kanal: www.youtube.com/channel/UCHs7JzMdNB18x5rsBOtxAgg » hier könnt ihr mich auch finden ☞ Instagram - https://...

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Spark AR LUT com Chuvisco e Retouch! 0    0

Contato: contato@dualitylabs.com.br Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sparkartutoriais/ https://www.instagram.com/hercullesgoulart/

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