Spark Ar Blink Game

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I have started a series of studies on SparkAR with Javascript and without ... And it is something incredible!

I created Dino Run, a game where the Cacti flash and jump, very similar to some 'infinity run'.

The phone captures that you just blinked and causes the character to jump and then create the point count.

I'm looking forward to facebook releasing the connection to API's to take this to infinity and beyond!

And here is the link to my repository on Github where I made this game available to exchange assets and changes in gameplay if you want to have a little adventure in programming.

Facebook camera Link

Instagram camera: comming soom

Veröffentlicht 4 years ago

Kategorie Video  /  SparkAr  /  Game

Schlagwörter spark spark ar tutorial game gamedesign develoment game development Blink Game

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